Saturday, 30 December 2017

Summary of 2017 - podsumowanie roku 2017

the summary of the year 2017 on pastalena blog

Welcome warmly to the last post of that year!

Despite the latest decrease in my activity on the blog, I've decided to create the very first summary of my work here. 

Pastalena turned one on 19th December 2017, so not that long ago. This year was a time of development of the site, gaining readers, getting on with the blogosphere and joy because of the achieved goals.
All visits, comments, and shares are not only empty numbers for me, but also are connected with the happiness, appreciation of my work and, of course, motivation for further work.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Cream of roasted peppers and tomatoes soup - zupa krem z pieczonej papryki i pomidorów

recipe for cream soup of roasted peppers and tomatoes

 Welcome warmly!

A colder part of the year, which is autumn and winter, has already started, so we need more energy and warm dinners. Vegetable soups are a great source of both, so I will present you a recipe for my favorite creamy soup, inspired by a dish in a restaurant that unfortunately no longer exists.

Besides its beautiful, intense color, it has an addictive, delicious taste. Spicy tastes amateurs can season it with a pinch of chilli.

Friday, 22 September 2017

College food - jedzenie studenckie

college food students life


I am here after a break with a new material which matches the events of the end of September or the beginning of October - the beginning of the new academic year. Some of you can rely on experiences, but others are first years and may need to organize their fresh start. 

I read about posts summarizing the annual activity on other blogs and here's the idea for the following list comes from.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Kitchen&Food Hacks

how to peel mango

Hello again!

My plans for a video came to nothing eventually, what a shame. But I still prepared these 5 kitchen and food (more food of course!) hacks that you may find interesting and helpful in everyday kitchen struggles. I've checked them all, now it's your turn.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Leczenie endodontyczne nie takie straszne

jak wygląda leczenie kanałowe zębów

Leczenie chorób uzębienia dla wielu osób jest przykrym doświadczeniem. Obawiamy się bólu i dyskomfortu związanego z wizytą w gabinecie stomatologicznym. Warto jednak pamiętać, że stomatologia przeżyła w ciągu ostatniej dekady ogromny rozwój.

Dzisiejsze zabiegi stomatologiczne są bezbolesne, a atmosfera panująca w gabinecie dentystycznym pozwala się odprężyć i zapomnieć o strachu. Dzięki temu nawet najbardziej uprzedzeni do stomatologów pacjenci, mogą przełamać strach i zadbać o swoje uzębienie. Zadbana jama ustna to nie tylko zdrowe i piękne zęby, ale także kwestia ogólnoustrojowa. Stany zapalne miazgi zębowej czy dziąseł mają wpływ na funkcjonowanie nerek, układu krwionośnego i układu oddechowego, a także uniemożliwiają nam cieszenie się posiłkami. 

Bólu i zmian w jamie ustnej nie można bagatelizować. Im szybciej rozpoczniemy leczenie, tym mniejsze spustoszenie bakterie wywołają w naszym organizmie. Nie ma się czego obawiać!

Bez bólu, bez stresu

Jednym z zabiegów, który wywołuje wiele obaw jest leczenie endodontyczne, potocznie zwane leczeniem kanałowym. Warto jednak pamiętać, że współczesna endodoncja jest niezwykle rozwiniętym działem stomatologii. 

Do leczenia zakażonych kanałów zębowych wykorzystuje się najnowsze zdobycze techniki dentystycznej. Przy wykorzystaniu mikroskopów i komputerowego obrazowania kanałów możliwe jest bardzo precyzyjne wyczyszczenie zapchanych kanałów i podanie lekarstwa dokładnie do źródła problemu. 

Zabieg wykonuje się w znieczuleniu miejscowym, które również podawane jest bardzo precyzyjnie. Nie może być tutaj mowy o przypadkowych wkłuciach. Znieczulenie zapobiega nieprzyjemnemu uczuciu podczas zabiegu, jak i krótko po nim. Jeśli pacjent ma skłonność do odczuwania bólu po zabiegu, może poprosić lekarza stomatologa o preparaty przeciwbólowe na receptę.

Piękny, zdrowy ząb

Leczenie endodontyczne wymaga nawiercenia w zębie dziury. Jest to jedyny sposób by uzyskać dostęp do zakażonych kanałów. Często zakażenie kanałów zębinowych jest efektem zwlekania z odwiedzeniem gabinetu lekarskiego. W powstałej w wyniku próchnicy dziurze powstaje stan zapalny, który nieleczony będzie się zaogniał. Dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych technik endodontycznych stan zapalny w kanale można wyleczyć już przy jednej wizycie w gabinecie stomatologicznym. Oczywiście, po przeprowadzonym leczeniu przy pomocy prześwietlenia RTG lub przy użyciu komputerowego skanu dokonuje się sprawdzenia czy aby na pewno udało się udrożnić kanał i wyleczyć stan zapalny. Przy silnych zapaleniach konieczne jest dodatkowe wdrożenie leczenia farmaceutycznego za pomocą antybiotyków. 

Po zakończeniu leczenia endodontycznego lekarz stomatolog uzupełnia powstały ubytek w zębie. Jeśli jest to niewielki ubytek stosuje się wypełnienie światłoutwardzalne, zbliżone odcieniem do naturalnego zęba. Jeśli jednak ubytek jest większy, lekarz wykorzystuje wkład koronowy lub rekonstruuje się zęba przy pomocy korony protetycznej lub wkładu koronowo-korzeniowego. Wyleczony i uzupełniony ząb jest w pełni funkcjonalny, a jego wygląd nie odbiega od zębów niepoddawanych leczeniu.

Po zakończonym leczeniu możemy znowu cieszyć się nie tylko pięknym uśmiechem, ale także smakiem każdej potrawy. 

Publikacja powstała przy współpracy z firmą Klinika stomatologiczno-medyczna

Friday, 11 August 2017

Grill Way Bar Gdynia

grill way bar gdynia opinia


Kilka dni temu odwiedziłam miejsce polecone przez jedną z moich czytelniczek, która samą siebie określiła "miłośniczką burgerów i mieszkanką Gdyni". Jej komentarz znajdziecie pod postem o Open'erze. (klik) Zajrzyjmy zatem do tej burgerowni!

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Summer meringue - beza z kremem i owocami

recipe for meringue with cream and fruits

Welcome everyone!

Some of you may be surprised that this post appears a while after this photo - so I am eager to explain. The recipe for the meringue was not planned. The main reason is that it is not fully mine. However, my guests asked me several times while eating "Is the recipe on the blog?" Or "Delicious, I will find the recipe later on your blog, right?". This prompted me to actually place it here.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Cream of zucchini soup - zupa krem z cukinii

recipe for vegan cream of zucchini soup

Hi there!

Here I come with a freshly new recipe for this vegan dinner, which is a creamy zucchini soup! I've been eating it for the last few days and I still want more. 

Zucchini contains a lot of nutrients (e.g. iron, magnesium, but also vitamin C) and are easily digestible. Due to low caloric and glycemic index, these vegetables are recommended for weight loss diets. As you can see - health goes hand in hand with delicious taste!

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Homemade (movie) snacks - domowe przekąski

Hi everybody!

homemade movie snacks I want to share a post with a few ideas for snacks that you might like on a movie evening, small party or meeting, anytime you have a willing for something small. I reckon bought products are a little bit passe, but they still need an exchange. Maybe some sunflower seeds?

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Panna cotta in 3 versions - panna cotta w trzech odsłonach

recipe for panna cotta


Last week I shared a recipe for pasta with strawberries and today's gonna be sweet as well. If you still have some fruits - keep them for my homemade panna cotta in more than one version! I've been ordering this dessert often in restaurants and then I realized how unbealivably easy it is to make it at home. You will be surprised too!

With the following amount I am able to fill three about 100 ml glasses, so you may need to double it!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Pasta with strawberry sauce - makaron z truskawkami

recipe for pasta with strawberries

 Hello readers!

Another tasty, fruity summer recipe is here - pasta with strawberry sauce! The thing with it is that you usually love it or hate it.
You can enjoy that pasta in your own way - warm or cool, more or less shredded. The key to this dish is not only a recipe, but mostly the freshness of strawberries and choice of pasta - I like all the kinds that enable the sauce to get into it. 

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Gdzie zjeść podczas Open'era? - Where to eat during Open'er Festival? (Gdynia&Gdańsk)

open'er festival food



Zapewne wielu z was aktualnie znajduje się lub będzie znajdować na Festiwalu Open'er w Gdyni, który trwa jeszcze do soboty włącznie. Podpowiem wam, jakie lokale odwiedziłam wcześniej w Gdyni i Gdańsku, niektóre z nich znajdziecie w budkach na terenie imprezy, a inne możecie odwiedzić w czasie wolnym, aby uniknąć festiwalowych kolejek.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Yogurt rhubarb cake - jogurtowe ciasto z rabarbarem

recipe for yogurt cake with rhubarb


As you already know, I've become a huge fan of rhubarb recently and due to that I will present you a new recipe for yogurt cake with this fruit. I like to decorate it with rhubarb sorbet and powdered sugar. I also like my cake tall and do it in circular, 20 cm diameter form, but you can use a bigger one (it shortens the time of baking, but in my opinion demands more rhubarb, so as the cake won't look and taste "naked").

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Rhubarb ice creams and water - lody rabarbarowe i woda z owocami

rhubarb ice creams recipe
Hi readers! 
We are going into summer and due to that I have these 2 refreshing recipes for a homemade rhubarb sorbet and water with fruit - strawberries and rhubarb. Hope you already know who is the hero of the day, I've recently fallen for rhubarb and I know I'm not the only one!

Ice creams made at home have no chemical additions like guar gum or food colorings (pure happiness!) and you can easily make a lot of them at once (without ice cream maker!). I encourage to add them on cakes (rhubarb cake is also coming, maybe next week).  

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Homemade pizza - domowa pizza

recipe for homemade pizza


I have to admit, that making a good enough pizza dough was a little bit of a challenge for me, I don't even know why, but the previous versions were bad and I got used to buying pizza base from the store. Now it sounds ridiculous, because why eat pre-made when I can do it myself at home? And pizza dough is never a problem - make more when you have time and then freeze it for later.  
Today I am about to share a recipe basically for pizza dough, but also suggest some toppings. Let's get to it!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Pasta with asparagus - makaron ze szparagami

recipe for pasta with asparagus
Hi guys,

it's high time for me to share a recipe for fresh, vegetarian pasta with asparagus, as we are in the middle of their season. The thing with asparagus is that you can, but you don't need to peel them, you decide then. To this dish I always use green ones, since I prefer them, but you can give a try to the white ones as well. 
The sauce is based on mascarpone, just like my pasta with chicken and dried tomatoes. What is more, a crucial utensil is a vegetables peeler, because it enables you to cut them in thin strips easily. Of course you can exchange it with a knife! 

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Blog Conference Poznań 2017

blog conference poznan 2017

Cześć i czołem!

Dzisiaj przybliżę wam nieco poznańskie spotkanie dla blogerów, mianowicie Blog Conference Poznań 2017, w którym miałam szansę uczestniczyć. Jeżeli przebywaliście w dniach 27-28 maja w okolicy Międzynarodowych Targów Poznańskich, mieliście sporą szansę zaobserwować grupy ludzi z wyżej pokazanymi identyfikatorami, butelkami wody Id'eau, telefonami lub aparatami w dłoniach oraz (czasami) walizkami - to najprawdopodobniej byliśmy my, postrach internetu - blogerzy! A tak całkiem na serio, zapraszam do lektury.

międzynarodowe targi poznańskie

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Mini serniczki Oreo

przepis na sernik oreo na zimno
Witam wszystkich czytelników!

Ostatnio temperatury nieco skoczyły w górę, dlatego dzisiaj przygotujemy coś na zimno, mianowicie mini serniczki z ciasteczkami Oreo. Smak jest wprost obłędny; ja, osobiście, nie jestem zwolenniczką serników, ale te są odpowiednio mokre, a ciasteczko na dole pozwala na ich łatwe skonsumowanie. Oczywiście dodam, że uwielbiam desery "na raz", stąd wersja mini (łatwiej jest także znaleźć dla nich miejsce w lodówce!). 

Mini Oreo cheesecakes

oreo cheesecake

The temperatures in Poland has recently increased, so this evening something served cooled - mini cheesecakes with Oreos! The taste is wonderful, I am, personally, not really into cheesecakes, but these are properly moist and the cookies on the bottom prevent each from falling apart while eating. I have to add that I love all the desserts that you can eat at once (it's also easier to find a place in your fridge for a few smaller than one big).

Thursday, 25 May 2017


recipe for pancakes

I've shown you these pancakes recipes already - yogurt and ricotta ones, but today's is a basic one, easy to remember and as usually - easy to prepare.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Homemade chocolate pudding - domowy budyń czekoladowy

After most of my exams I am happy to welcome you back on my blog!

As you know, next weekend I'm going to Blog Conference Poznań, but I won't miss Thursday's recipe again.

I am quite confused if people outside Poland know "budyń", but it's just a sweet pudding, we have them instant, in powder. And of course it's much healthier to make it at home - it's not more complicated than the bought method.

If you want vanilla pudding - exchange cocoa powder with vanilla seeds. You can also add vanilla sugar except the 'normal'. 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Classic pesto - klasyczne pesto


Before today's recipe - first surprise. From now on you can find and message me on my Facebook fan page! I am so happy to publish it finally. There will be shared my posts, maybe some additional information, I don't even know yet. But you should visit it to find the second surprise. 

Let's move on. Today a simple recipe for green, delicious and healthy pesto, that you can use for instance as a sauce to your pasta or a sandwich. 

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Chocolate balls a'la Ferrero Rocher - czekoladowe kuleczki a'la Ferrero Rocher

Hi guys!

Today a simple recipe for chocolate balls with nuts, which taste can be compared to Ferrero Rocher. What is a little uncommon about this, is that you can easily exchange some ingredients and of course I will include them in the list. Maybe you will think about any other substitutes? 
The balls can be a perfect snack between the meals, a little dessert or an addition to a quick breakfast - they are rather multitasking. And it's another way to add more nuts, so more health, to our diet. I guarantee that the amount of chocolate needed won't balance the added health, since the homemade sweets can't be compared to the bought ones. #healthysweets

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Easter cakes - ciasta wielkanocne

I am aware that I some kind of promised you a post with Easter recipes, but this year's holidays were a bit different. We ate a lot of eggs, of course, but I prepared only 2 cakes and 0 recipes, as I wanted to give a try to the ones I found on Polish websites. Everything else was made by my mummy.

I think that this post is like a review of them, something new on the blog, but I thought it would turn out interesting. Both of them are from Polish traditional cuisine

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Yogurt pancakes with apple - placuszki jogurtowe z jabłkami

This pancake recipe is one of the most healthy you have ever done!

There are some days in our lives (well, at least in mine) when you have irresistible desire for pancakes. If you're reading this, it's probably one of those days for you. 

To start with, the recipe contains little sugar, raw fruit, proteins and little fat. It's a brilliant option for a snack between meals, as well as for breakfast. Also a good choice for active people - just drop some of your protein nutrient to the batter - or a way to slip some fruit into your child's diet. 
But healthy doesn't mean boring, does it? All the toppings are up to you - whether it's honey, maple, agave, chocolate syrup, powdered sugar, fruit or other food you can think of.

Friday, 7 April 2017

My mum's tiramisu - tiramisu mojej mamy

All today's glory goes to my mom!

I am presenting you her recipe for this Italian goody - tiramisu. I believe that it's such a popular dish, that I don't have to introduce it, but yet I will. Tiramisu is a no-bake cake with layers of mascarpone cream and ladyfingers with coffee. The key to this creamy heaven is a great recipe and high-quality products. The cake is not too runny, but fluffy and (of course) delicious.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Pasta with cream cheese sauce - makaron z sosem śmietanowo-serowym


The only thing I am able to compare the taste to is mac'n'cheese, but this one is less cheesy and more runny. At home we call it just farfalle, like the pasta.
This dish may not be light, but I've totally fallen for it. It's actually one of my mother's ideas. Next week I am planning to share another mum's recipe for a no-bake cake (my no-bake Ferrero Rocher is now 500!) and it'll be excellent, promise!

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Homemade tomato salsa - domowa salsa pomidorowa

How to eat your veggies? In a homemade salsa!

I guess it's more like a recipe for teenagers, but you can use the sauce not only for nachos, but also for these easy chips, pasta, feelings, sandwiches or more. This kind contains more of cut vegetables than water which I think is an advantage towards the already prepared shop sauces. 

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Hot chocolate on almond milk - gorąca czekolada na mleku migdałowym


This is an extra post, something that chocolate lovers would fall for immediately, because it's a maximized taste of hot chocolate. Some people may say that it's too sweet, but the flavor has to be condensed in my opinion, I would rather prepare and drink less than more but with less taste. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Sweet potato brownie - batatowe brownie


You already know my brownie recipes like this and this, but this one is clearly different. I can risk a judgement that's it's a 'fit' one (one tablespoon butter for the whole cake? no problem), yet fluffy and so delicious I can't even describe it. My parents (they are very strict when it comes to desserts) and my colleagues went nuts about it and you sure will too!
To be fair, I have to say that it was my first time with all those alternative, vegetable cakes and also with sweet potatoes. Even though they were popular and my schoolmates are keen on cakes using tomatoes etc., I have never had the chance to try it, I wasn't so curious about it that time.
You know what? Now I get it. Let's make some kitchen mess.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Risotto in 2 ways - 2 razy risotto

Hi guys!

I promised you something salty this week, so there goes tomato risotto and mushrooms one. The tomato is my #1 for supper because I love tomato sauces. I can eat the whole portion by myself (please don't judge). Although it's made of 1 bag of rice, it's very filling. The mushrooms risotto is my mum's "fantasy". But maybe from the beginning - risotto is rice boiled not in the water but in broth. It's a bit time consuming, but it's worth it and you should definitely try it.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Pasta with chicken and dried tomatoes - makaron z kurczakiem i suszonymi pomidorami

Used spinach-flavored pasta./Użyłam makaronu o smaku szpinakowym.


It actually must be the first meat recipe on my blog, because I can't think about any other example. As it's appealing to meat eaters, I have even convinced my male friends, who don't like pastas to that dish. The base is made of mascarpone and oil, so it's rather a filling kind - but worth it.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Breakfast ideas

Great day!

I am that kind of person who never knows what to eat or take to school in the morning. How many sandwiches can I eat during the week? Not so many as I'm starting to be fed up. I've prepared a few breakfast ideas that can be eaten at home or taken away and are one of my favorites. 
The goal is having both quick and nutritious breakfast - time seems to be passing faster in the morning.

Propozycje śniadaniowe


Pięknego dnia!

Jestem typem człowieka, który nigdy nie wie, co przygotować na śniadanie. Ile kanapek można jeść w ciągu tygodnia? Nie za dużo, jako że robią się nudne. Spisałam kilka śniadaniowych pomysłów, które można zjeść na miejscu lub zabrać ze sobą, są to jedne z moich ulubionych. 
Celem jest pożywne i szybkie śniadanie - poranny czas wydaje się uciekać. 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Double cookies - podwójne ciastka


Here comes the new definition of cookies - Oreo stuffed cookie dough. I came across such photograph on Snapchat news but constructed my own recipe. I've already treated my friends and they approved it. 
I also think it's a rather cheap dessert, as the most expensive are the Oreo cookies. Additionally, we don't need many ingredients and probably have them at home right now. Let's get started!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Valentine's Day breakfast - walentynkowe śniadanie


There are a lot of different gifts you can prepare for someone you love (including your mum, dad or sibling), but sometimes you don't have the money, time or skills. Valentine's Day doesn't only mean fatty desserts and red pillows, because love should be all around in everyday actions. People also say that breakfast is very important for the rest of the day. Let's make the most of it!

Making fried egg isn't very challenging, but how about a little power-up?

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Valentine's Day vegan chocolates - wegańskie czekoladki walentynkowe

Doesn't matter if you're single or in a relationship.
Doesn't matter if you're spending Valentine's Day alone or with a company.
Doesn't even matter if you're vegan.
(I unfortunately have to assume that you like chocolates...)

These 4-ingredients chocolates taste like heaven, are ready in 35 minutes, contain no sugar, don't require any baking and are very cheap! Is it a perfect gift for your partner or perfect treat for you? Yes, it is. Not even mentioning, that they are much healthier than all the sweets from the stores.

The recipe was made up by me from the bottom to the top and needed a few attempts before the final (satisfying enough) effect.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Ricotta pancakes - placuszki z ricotty


A brilliant alternative for 'normal' pancakes/crepes from ricotta cheese! You can serve them with fruits, sugar, whipped cream, chocolate, cranberry (shown on the photos) or (my fresh love) agave syrup. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, supper, night treat and I also like taking them to school, because they still taste fabulous cold. 

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Ideal waffles - idealne gofry

My waffle iron creates this heart-shaped pieces.

Good morning!

First of all you have to know that I've already come through several recipes for waffles and this one is the one that satisfies me in 100% (and all my family as well) plus it's so EASY. The outcome is crunchy, smelly, yet delicate and fluffy enough on the inside. It took me some time to master the taste and structure of  waffles, but this recipe reminds me of the true summer holidays' treats nearby the sea with whipped cream and fresh fruits. I find them perfect for a lazy breakfast and I encourage you to make them as soon as possible!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

No-bake Ferrero Rocher cake - ciasto Ferrero Rocher


Today something sweet and yummy - Ferrero Rocher cake. It has 2 layers - crunchy and fluffy chocolate. What's best - no baking is required! I was thinking about this recipe for a while and the outcome is my first proposition for you:

Thursday, 12 January 2017

All-purpose tomato sauce - uniwersalny sos pomidorowy!

Mini version - wersja mini


This Thursday another basic recipe for mouthwatering and admirable smelling tomato sauce. My mom usually prepare some portions and pot them into jams from seasonal tomatoes, then we can eat it during the whole year and it still tastes great. 

If you want to make a fresh sauce for your healthy meal, you can start with:

Monday, 9 January 2017

Homemade 3 ingredients Nutella ice creams - domowe lody Nutella

Hey there!

So first I wanted to say that about a year ago in my town has opened an ice-cream shop that I've totally fallen for and they have delicious nutella ice creams (my favourite since I tried them). But the shop is on my way back home from school and when I had the days off I longed for them and it took me some time but I finally got it - my very own recipe for the homemade nutella ice creams and you only need three ingredients that are probably in your drawer right now.

There we go:

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Oreo and gingerbread brownie - piernikowe i oreo brownie

Happy 2017 again!

Today the short post I told you about last week.

The first one is perfect for teenagers or children's for ex. birthday parties, because every underage loves chocolate and oreos. The second one I find ideal for meeting over coffee. Let's see:

Monday, 2 January 2017

Quick and easy homemade chips - szybkie i łatwe domowe frytki

Hey again in 2017! Wish you all the best!

Today I am about to share a recipe for a homemade chips that are available in 25 to 30 minutes! (baking included)
No more talking: