Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Broad bean tomato pasta - makaron z bobem w sosie pomidorowym

broad bean tomato pasta recipe

Good morning!

I've just published my chanterelle debut in a recipe for chanterelle risotto, and here's another! Broad bean debut, frankly a bit "forced". I received a delicious, young broad bean from my grandma's garden as a gift, so it would be a sin not to use it. First I added it to my salad - it was perfect. As a second idea, I wanted to recreate, or rather improve, a recipe for broad beans pasta from a certain restaurant. Unfortunately, I did not like that one - undercooked pasta, and quite overcooked broad beans were not a good pair. Have a look at my recipe for a very simple pasta with a sauce full of flavor:

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Chanterelle risotto - risotto z kurkami

risotto z kurkami

I have to admit that it was my debut when it comes to chanterelles used at home and I am amazingly surprised! Risotto is rich in flavor with a light cheddar twist and disappears in no time.

It must be admitted that risotto is a dish that requires patience and time and it tastes best when served straight away. The rice in the pan should be watered with the broth in parts, then stirred and allowed to evaporate. Repeat the process until the rice is done.

If you want to use other extras, check out my previous recipes:

Let's get started!

Monday, 20 July 2020

Vegan tortilla - wegańska tortilla

vegan tortilla

Hello there!

I actually had a problem naming this one, as vegan tortilla means nothing to me apart from the fact that it's vegan. So I'm gonna tell you now that it's full of taste, a little bit mexican-style and great both warm and cold, crispy or soft. Let's get started!

Friday, 5 June 2020

Morning banana milkshake - śniadaniowy koktajl bananowy

banana milkshake recipe


In the beginning, I have to admit this beverage has saved me in the morning many times when I was practically running late with long classes ahead. I used to eat the banana, but then I figured a milkshake is even easier and richer in nutrients. 

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Asparagus risotto - risotto ze szparagami

asparagus risotto

Hi guys!

I have to admit that last year I've caught 'asparagus fever' and probably consisted of them in 80% during the season. They are definitely one of my top vegetables. This year I wanted to try something fresh. The inspiration for the recipe was one of the menu positions from Pawilon Towarzyski. The sticky rise goes perfectly with crispy asparagus making the dish unique. 

Two types of risotto - tomato and mushroom - have already been depicted on my page, click here to open the article. 

Ingredients fo 4 portions:

about 1 liter vegetable or chicken stock
1 tbsp butter
1 large onion
1 cup risotto rice (about 250g)
2 handfuls of green asparagus
grated cheese of preference to taste
salt and pepper to taste
3 big radishes (optional)


1) Peel and dice. Fry on a pan with tablespoon of butter till soft.

2) In the meantime hit up the stock (no need to bring to boil).

3) Add rice to the frying pan, fry a little on small heat while moving it.

4) Add the stock in portions to the pan, so that the rice could boil in it, don't add another part before full absorption.

5) Wash the asparagus and chop them into about 1 cm long parts. If they are large, cut them alongside.

6) When the rice is al dente, add the remaining stock and asparagus and let it cook until the liquid is absorbed (about 10 minutes).  Add salt and pepper.

7) Serve with grated cheese and optionally - sliced radish. Best to eat warm.


If you need other asparagus idea, click here for my pasta with asparagus recipe.

The article wasn't sponsored. 

szparagowe risotto

Witam serdecznie!

Muszę przyznać, że w zeszłym roku wpadłam w szparagowy szał podczas sezonu i w 80% składałam się z zapieczonych z serem szparagów, które pochłaniałam prawie codziennie. Są to zdecydowanie jedne z moich ulubionych warzyw. 
W tym roku chciałam wypróbować coś nowego, inspiracją do tego przepisu było danie jednej z moich ulubionych polskich restauracji - Pawilon Towarzyski, Białystok. Klejący i nieco ciągnący się ryż z risotto idealnie komponuje się z chrupkością szparagów, czyniąc to danie wyjątkowym. 

Dwa rodzaje risotto - pomidorowe i grzybowe - pojawiły się już na blogu, kliknij tutaj, aby je wyświetlić. 

Składniki na 4 porcje:

około 1 litr wywaru na mięsie lub warzywach
1 łyżka masła
1 duża cebula
1 kubek ryżu do risotto (ok. 250g)
2 garści szparagów zielonych
ulubiony starty ser do posypania
sól i pieprz do smaku
3 duże rzodkiewki (opcjonalnie)


1) Cebulę obrać i pokroić w drobną kostkę. Przysmażyć na dużej patelni z łyżką masła do miękkości na średnim ogniu.

2) W tym czasie podgrzać wywar (nie musi się gotować, ale nie powinien być zimny).

3) Na patelnię dorzucić ryż, chwilę podsmażyć, mieszając.

4) Dolewać porcjami wywar na patelnię, aby ryż się w nim gotował na średnim ogniu.

5) Szparagi umyć, odciąć lub ułamać zdrewniałą część, pokroić na długości około 1 cm, jeśli są grube - przeciąć także wzdłuż na pół.

6) Kiedy ryż na patelni będzie al dente, dolać ostatnią porcję wywaru i dorzucić szparagi, gotować przez 5-10 minut, aż cały płyn się zredukuje. Doprawić.

7) Rozłożyć porcje na talerze, udekorować serem i ewentualnie pokrojoną rzodkiewką. Najlepiej zjeść na ciepło.

Palce lizać!

Jeśli potrzebujecie innej inspiracji szparagowej, zapraszam po przepis na makaron ze szparagami (klik!).

Post nie jest sponsorowany.

risotto ze szparagami

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Oatmeal cookies - ciasteczka owsiane

oatmeal cookies recipe

Hello there!

The recipe I'm about to share was created due to my necessity of food I can both take to class (and easily eat it) and prepare in advance. These cookies can be baked for the whole week and taken anywhere with minimum effort - no crumbs, no cutlery, full in required nutrients from honey, nuts, oatmeal. The only problem is if you're not strong enough you'll end up eating them all right after! Let's get to it:

Monday, 16 March 2020

Banana bread - chlebek bananowy

recipe for banana bread

Banana bread - we all know that one. I used to eat it quite often in cake shops with a cup of coffee. This recipe can be called "emergency" and "for lazy people", but that's okay, it'll be perfect for a Saturday morning. No blender required, no more than 1 bowl, no precisely measured ingredients... Simple preparation but not so simple taste!

Monday, 3 February 2020

Meatless burrito - bezmięsne burrito

meatless burrito recipe


I am aware that I'm in no position to educate anybody on burritos. Nevertheless I would like to present my meatless version, which has won my heart not long ago and is now one of my favorite dinner ideas. I'm not even sure if I'll eat any other burrito after coming up with this one, so you have to check it for yourself. If you are capable of making your own flour tortillas - go ahead, it will only upgrade this dish. Let's get to it!