Great day!
I am that kind of person who never knows what to eat or take to school in the morning. How many sandwiches can I eat during the week? Not so many as I'm starting to be fed up. I've prepared a few breakfast ideas that can be eaten at home or taken away and are one of my favorites.
The goal is having both quick and nutritious breakfast - time seems to be passing faster in the morning.
A bowl full of health and energy! All you need is one cottage cheese (about 200g) and your favorite vegetables. Plus it's so easy to take it with you - just wash and cut the vegetables, put into a box and take you cheese. You can always combine them later in your lunch box.
I usually use: 1 medium tomato, 3-4 radishes, a lot of chive (because I love it), half of a red onion, pepper (I personally don't add salt).
But you are, of course, free to create your own set - so which are you favorite vegetables?
2. Warm and crispy toasts make a great match to this, but can also be eaten separately. You already know my recipe for spinach bruschetta, but a basic version of garlic bread is here:
Peel 1-2 garlic cloves and juice them into about 2 tablespoons of butter (salted or not). Slice your bread and put into the oven (ex. 120'C) until crispy. Take them out, butter (will melt because of the heat).
Or... (if you are worried about your garlic breath)
Use some mozzarella!
Slice the bread, smear a little bit of your favorite olive oil on each and bake a little. Then take them out of the oven and add mozarella slices (or grated), bake until melted.
3. Greek yogurt with honey and toppings:
Greek yogurt and honey - incredible. You can add any kind of nuts and voile! My favorite toppings are bananas and coconut shrims.
Although it's a very easy breakfast, it has a lot of proteins (more than plain yogurt), simple sugars (the healthier ones), unsaturated fats, vitamins and more. Nuts contain for example vitamin E, which reduces nervous tension and keeps your skin beautiful, not to mention that they reduce the progress of atherosclerosis, now a disease of civilization and is being underestimated. What about the honey? It strengthens your heart (potassium and acetylcholine), is as well helpful in fighting off the atherosclerosis, has glucose that supports your brain's work - which is a great day start.
And again - just take it to work in a lunchbox (combined or not yet).
4. Omelette (eggs from the pan):
Can't really call it an omelette as there is no flour included, but its also not scrambled eggs...
For 1 'omelette' you need 1 medium egg, which you stir in a bowl with a few (3-4) cut into cubes ham slices. You can add spices like chili or paprika, salt and pepper or chopped chive. Then you fry it on a butter on a frying pan (like a pancake). Rather use medium heat and let it fry longer, then carefully flip.
I recommend eating it with tomato, feta cheese and rucola (arugula salad).
5. Sandwich with brie and dried tomatoes:
The taste is amazing, my and my friend's best type of sandwich ever! Get your favorite bread, brie (good with camembert too), dried tomatoes (necessarily without the oil) and optional rucola. You can eat it right away or heat up until the cheese melts a little.
I unfortunately had to divide the post into 2 versions (ENG and PL), because blogger didn't wanted to publish as long post.
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