Thursday, 29 June 2017

Gdzie zjeść podczas Open'era? - Where to eat during Open'er Festival? (Gdynia&Gdańsk)

open'er festival food



Zapewne wielu z was aktualnie znajduje się lub będzie znajdować na Festiwalu Open'er w Gdyni, który trwa jeszcze do soboty włącznie. Podpowiem wam, jakie lokale odwiedziłam wcześniej w Gdyni i Gdańsku, niektóre z nich znajdziecie w budkach na terenie imprezy, a inne możecie odwiedzić w czasie wolnym, aby uniknąć festiwalowych kolejek.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Yogurt rhubarb cake - jogurtowe ciasto z rabarbarem

recipe for yogurt cake with rhubarb


As you already know, I've become a huge fan of rhubarb recently and due to that I will present you a new recipe for yogurt cake with this fruit. I like to decorate it with rhubarb sorbet and powdered sugar. I also like my cake tall and do it in circular, 20 cm diameter form, but you can use a bigger one (it shortens the time of baking, but in my opinion demands more rhubarb, so as the cake won't look and taste "naked").

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Rhubarb ice creams and water - lody rabarbarowe i woda z owocami

rhubarb ice creams recipe
Hi readers! 
We are going into summer and due to that I have these 2 refreshing recipes for a homemade rhubarb sorbet and water with fruit - strawberries and rhubarb. Hope you already know who is the hero of the day, I've recently fallen for rhubarb and I know I'm not the only one!

Ice creams made at home have no chemical additions like guar gum or food colorings (pure happiness!) and you can easily make a lot of them at once (without ice cream maker!). I encourage to add them on cakes (rhubarb cake is also coming, maybe next week).  

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Homemade pizza - domowa pizza

recipe for homemade pizza


I have to admit, that making a good enough pizza dough was a little bit of a challenge for me, I don't even know why, but the previous versions were bad and I got used to buying pizza base from the store. Now it sounds ridiculous, because why eat pre-made when I can do it myself at home? And pizza dough is never a problem - make more when you have time and then freeze it for later.  
Today I am about to share a recipe basically for pizza dough, but also suggest some toppings. Let's get to it!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Pasta with asparagus - makaron ze szparagami

recipe for pasta with asparagus
Hi guys,

it's high time for me to share a recipe for fresh, vegetarian pasta with asparagus, as we are in the middle of their season. The thing with asparagus is that you can, but you don't need to peel them, you decide then. To this dish I always use green ones, since I prefer them, but you can give a try to the white ones as well. 
The sauce is based on mascarpone, just like my pasta with chicken and dried tomatoes. What is more, a crucial utensil is a vegetables peeler, because it enables you to cut them in thin strips easily. Of course you can exchange it with a knife! 

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Blog Conference Poznań 2017

blog conference poznan 2017

Cześć i czołem!

Dzisiaj przybliżę wam nieco poznańskie spotkanie dla blogerów, mianowicie Blog Conference Poznań 2017, w którym miałam szansę uczestniczyć. Jeżeli przebywaliście w dniach 27-28 maja w okolicy Międzynarodowych Targów Poznańskich, mieliście sporą szansę zaobserwować grupy ludzi z wyżej pokazanymi identyfikatorami, butelkami wody Id'eau, telefonami lub aparatami w dłoniach oraz (czasami) walizkami - to najprawdopodobniej byliśmy my, postrach internetu - blogerzy! A tak całkiem na serio, zapraszam do lektury.

międzynarodowe targi poznańskie